a world where everyone
has a decent place to live
What is tithe?
The tithe is one of the hallmarks of Habitat, based on our biblical roots as an ecumenical Christian ministry. Through the tithe, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Cincinnati joins other U.S. Habitat organizations in sharing 10% of our unrestricted contributions with our Habitat colleagues around the world. This practice has created a cycle of generosity and partnership for more than 40 years.
Since 1987, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Cincinnati has contributed $5 Million in tithe to partners across the globe serving 1,408 international families.

We've contributed $5 Million
to tithe partners!
our global tithe partners

“It is not enough to limit your love to your own nation, to your own group. You must respond with love even to those outside of it … This concept enables people to live together not as nations, but as the human race.”
Clarence Jordan, spiritual father
of Habitat for Humanity
Lasting Relationships
At Habitat for Humanity of Greater Cincinnati, we designate our tithe to four different national partners: Habitat Cambodia, Habitat El Salvador, Habitat Kenya, and Habitat Nepal. We trust the local leaders in these countries to direct the funds to address their specific needs.
We first began a tithe partnership with Kenya in 1995, El Salvador in 2001, Cambodia in 2012, and Nepal in 2019. We build and maintain our relationships with our Tithe Partners through regular volunteer trips through the Global Village Program.

A Culture of Sharing
The practice of tithing among affiliates has its roots in the early days of Habitat. In 1979, Millard Fuller, the co-founder of Habitat with his wife, Linda, visited the Democratic Republic of Congo to dedicate many houses in the village of Ntondo. During the dedication ceremony, the leader of the local Habitat organization took up a collection and asked that half of the money be used to start another Habitat program. That tithe started a Habitat organization in Guatemala. And from this one small gift, Habitat’s entire tithe program grew. Today, Habitat affiliates across the U.S. participate in the tithe, and their collective tithe is over $350 million.