July 1, 2022- June 30, 2023
Annual Report

"Our shared commitment to affordable housing and building community will reach new heights. Thank you for joining us on this journey. Together, we are changing lives and building a stronger, more vibrant Cincinnati."

A letter from the CEO
Growing Together
Dear Friends, As I reflect on my first year as CEO of this incredible organization, I am filled with gratitude and excitement. Over the past year, we have achieved remarkable milestones together, and I am eager to share our progress and vision with you. We can’t thank you enough for all that you helped accomplish in the last year. Despite the challenges we've faced following the pandemic, this year has been one of significant achievements. At the beginning of the year, we expanded the Critical Repair Program and introduced Aging in Place. We are now able to partner with older low-income homeowners to repair and modify their homes to ensure safety and independence as they age. This new initiative was met with overwhelming interest from the community setting in motion an exponential growth plan for our home repair programs. This year alone, we improved living conditions of 66 households, a 164% increase from the year before. With your help, we built 16 new homes, marking the highest number of homes constructed in a single year since the onset of the pandemic. These homes represent stable and affordable housing solutions for 16 first-time homebuyer families in Greater Cincinnati. In the spring, we formed a partnership with CityLink to lead a workforce development program. The Habitat Construction Training Program empowers individuals to enter careers in commercial and residential construction. Our deep knowledge as a top builder paired with CityLink’s expertise in removing barriers to student success is creating brighter futures. We know that a strong construction workforce is critical to our vision of strong communities and affordable housing. As we look forward, we are embarking on a season of unprecedented growth. Housing affordability is one of the most pressing issues facing our community, and with our ambitious strategic plan, we will rise to the challenge as an equitable and sustainable solution to the current housing crisis.  This year, we will take advantage of one-time relief funding from the State of Ohio and Hamilton County to build and repair more homes. The generous gift from Mackenzie Scott will allow us to grow our team immediately and sustain expanded operations. The opening of the sixth Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Loveland will provide additional revenue needed to create more opportunities for affordable homeownership in our community. As we look ahead to the challenges and opportunities of the coming year, we do so with confidence, knowing that our shared commitment to affordable housing and building community will continue to make a profound impact. Thank you for joining us on this journey. Together, we are changing lives and building a stronger, more vibrant Cincinnati. With Gratitude, Joe Hansbauer President & CEO

“Living with [my mom] actually helped me buy my own home. [...] It literally was the foundation for myself to be able to build off of for my family.”
daughter of Habitat homeowner
Affordable Homeownership Impacts Generations
Sheree and Alishia's Story
The Year at a Glance
July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023

households partnered with Habitat for Humanity Greater Cincinnati to build or improve their homes

new programs launched: Aging in Place, and Construction Training Program

volunteers gave over 30,941 hours of their time

new policies and initiatives were implemented as part of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Cincinnati was voted a Top Workplace in Greater Cincinnati

households improved their homes through the Critical Repair Programs and Rock the Block

"When I think about building and buying a new home with Habitat, what immediately comes to mind, is building a community. A community built among the current and future homeowners who shared a similar journey. The community that was built amongst the construction team, and the community connections that were made with all the volunteers who shared their stories. Each and every interaction holds a special place in my heart. For my family and I, becoming a homeowner means carrying on traditions that I had growing up as a child. But also carrying and creating new traditions of my own. We have so many memories to be created within these walls. Most importantly, homeownership means we created a legacy--a legacy for my children. And from the financial homeownership classes, […] I can now pass this knowledge on to my children so they can also make wise choices as they grow older and travel on their own journey in life's adventure. Most importantly, I cannot create my family's legacy without thanking the legacy of Habitat for Humanity […] whose vision has empowered affordable homeownership but also the immense amount of appreciation, knowledge, and skills learned and gained plus the rewarding feeling of being hands-on and partnering with so many wonderful and encouraging people that I would never forget." -Felicia Habitat Homeowner, 2023, Evanston
Your Impact: Programs & Services
Creating Affordable Homeownership

families became first-time homeowners through the Affordable Homeownership Program

of new homeowners this year were minorities.

of homes were purchased by single mothers with minor children

mortgages were paid off in full

new homeowners work in the healthcare industry

kids moved into Habitat homes this year

“Being able to stay stable in the house and the community I’ve known for my whole life means a lot. It’s great”
See George and Darla's Story
Your Impact: Programs & Services
Preserving Affordable Homeownership

of Critical Repair participants were over age 60

homeowners partnered to make their homes more accessible

households partnered with Habitat to complete repairs that were critical to the safety and stability of their home

military families improved their home through the Veteran Repair Program

households partnered to complete minor home preservation projects through Rock the Block

homes were repaired through the Critical Home Repair Programs.
Exponential Growth for Critical Home Repair
As the housing stock in our area ages, the need for critical home repair is increasing. This is especially true for senior and veteran populations. At Habitat for Humanity of Greater Cincinnati, we believe that partnering with existing low-income homeowners to repair their homes, is a critical part of ensuring everyone has a safe, stable, and affordable place to call home.
Thanks to your support, we were able to begin ramping up operations to meet this critical need in our community.
Number of Households served:
Critical Home Repair

FY 20
FY 21
FY 22
FY 23
FY 24

"The reason why I got into construction is because I wanted to have a career. I want to help people— there's a need for housing. I have a plan to help people just like Habitat for Humanity does. I really look forward to starting this journey and this program has helped me tremendously."
-Ivory, Construction Training Graduate
Your Impact: Programs & Services NEW
Construction Training
This year, your support helped us to take an innovative look at the labor shortage in the construction industry. In April, we teamed up with CityLink to offer our first pilot session for the Habitat Construction Training Program.
The Habitat for Humanity Construction Training Program, or CTP, is a workforce development initiative designed to train and prepare individuals for careers in the construction industry over a 4-week period. The Construction Training Program helps further our mission to build stronger communities and provide affordable housing solutions to families in need.

students graduated from the first pilot sessions ready to enter the workforce

of students had the opportunity to interview for positions in the residential and commercial construction industry

certifications earned by each student: OSHA-10 & NCCER Core Certifications

Thanks to our community of supporters
Growing in Partnership
Your Impact

individuals volunteered their time on build sites, Habitat ReStores, and in support roles

hours served by volunteers

the value volunteers gave to the organization based on the Ohio Value of Volunteer Time Report

Top Construction Volunteers
1. John Wright, 800+ hours
2. Dan Aerni, 600+
3. John Nolan, 500+

Top ReStore Volunteers
1. Joann Roseberry, 388 hours
2. Kaitlin Bills, 187 hours
3. Arjun Sharma, 164 hours

"It is always fun to visit the ReStore. It takes me at least three times around the store to see everything. You never know what you will find, but I always find something. It's a lot of fun if you have some time to look around. Great prices too."
-Tonya, Google Review
Your Impact

people donated items to the ReStore

people shopped at the ReStore

$3.614 million
in ReStore sales for Habitat's mission

4.7 million
pounds of material kept out of landfills

"It's a huge opportunity to have fun together, and at the end of the day when you leave, you can look back and see that something you did is concrete, it's there, and it's going to be there for a long time."
-John Wright, Eastside Coalition
Your Impact
Faith Groups
Faith groups have been a central part of our organization at Habitat for Humanity of Greater Cincinnati since our founding. Today, hundreds of faith partners live out their values by supporting the mission of Habitat.
All across Greater Cincinnati, faith congregations work individually and together as coalitions to both fund and build Habitat homes in partnership with first-time homebuyers.

volunteer hours served by faith groups

raised by faith groups

homes built with the financial support of faith groups
John Nolan, Roy Johnson, and John Wright represent three different churches that belong to the Eastside Coalition and have each been involved with Habitat for Humanity for over a decade. Since 1997, Eastside Coalition has built at least 89 homes in partnership with Habitat Greater Cincinnati. Hear from these three men about their experience as part of a church coalition.

Your Impact

individual donors gave financial gifts to support the mission of Habitat

businesses provided financial support to Habitat projects

new donors made a gift to Habitat Greater Cincinnati for the first time
Sources of Donation Revenue
Faith Communities

Corporate Partners

Thank you to our FY23
Mission Partners
Thank you to all the organizations that partner with us to help realize our vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live. We couldn’t do our work without you and your decision to invest in our community.
AARP of Ohio
American Modern Foundation
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
BHDP Architecture
BSI Engineering
Chemed Foundation
Connexus Credit Union
Donatos Family Foundation
Ethicon Endo-Surgery
Feldkamp Marketing
Hills Property Management
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
pep, LLC
PNC Foundation
Regency Centers
Republic Bank
Skanska USA
State Farm Insurance
The Home Depot Foundation
The Ohio National Foundation
The Procter & Gamble Company
Total Quality Logistics
Tri-State Wholesale Building Supplies
US Bank
Vinebrook Homes, LLC
*corporate sponsors of $5,000 or more.
Gifts Made In-Kind**
Crossroads Missions / Help Build Hope
Ernst Concrete
Fairfield Township
Schneider Electric
Village of Lockland
Village of Lockland Comunity Improvement Corporation
Whirlpool Corporation
Yale Residential Security Products, Inc.
**donation value of $5,000 or more. Excludes ReStore GIK.
Disabled Veternan's National Foundation
George B. Riley Trust Estate
Kaplan Foundation
Maxwell C. Weaver Foundation
The G. Richard & Jane S. Thomas Foundation
The Robert & Adele Schiff Family Foundation
The Sutphin Family Foundation
William P. Anderson Foundation
Wohlgemuth Herschede Foundation
Public Funding
Butler County Community Development
Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati
Hamilton County Community Development
Ohio Housing Trust Fund
Faith Communities
All Saints Church
Anderson Hills Church
Ascension & Holy Trinity Church
Bellarmine Chapel
Burress Temple Apostolic Church
Christ Church Glendale
Cincinnati Meeting of Religious Society of Friends
Dance With Your Heart Inc.
Disciples Christian Church
Erlanger Christian Church, Inc.
Evergreen Presbyterian Church
Faith Lutheran Church & Campus Ministry
Faith Lutheran Church, Finneytown
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Greater Liberty Baptist Church Inc.
Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church
Knights of Columbus, Council 12359
Oak Hills Presbyterian Church
Our Lord Christ the King Church
Oxford Presbyterian Women
Oxford United Methodist Church
Pleasant Run Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church of Wyoming
Runyan Memorial Christian Church
Society of the Transfiguration
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church
St. Paul Community United Methodist Church
St. Paul's United Church of Christ
St. Peter & St. Paul United Church of Christ
St. Stephen Church
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
St. Vincent Ferrer Church
Sycamore Presbyterian Church
The Community of the Good Shepherd
The Presbyterian Church of Hamilton
Westwood UMC - United Methodist Women
Faith Coalitions
Eastside Coalition
Church of the Saviour United Methodist Church
Evergreen Presbyterian Church
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Hartzell United Presbyterian Church
St Paul United Methodist
St Thomas Episcopal Church
St Vincent Ferrer Roman Catholic Church
Sycamore Presbyterian Church
Wyoming Presbyterian Church
Hope Coalition
Ascension and Holy Trinity, Wyoming
Calvary, Clifton
Christ Church Cathedral, Cincinnati
Christ Church, Glendale
St. Andrew's, Evanston​
Shalom Coalition
Anderson Hills Church
Armstrong Chapel
Bellarmine Chapel
Christ Emmanuel Christian Fellowship
Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church
New Vision United Methodist Church
Our Lord Christ the King Church
St. Cecilia Church
St. Stephen Church
Sycamore Coalition
Faith Community UMC
Good Shepherd
Montgomery Community Church
West Chester UMC
Special Thanks to Dedicated Service Groups
Hammer & Heart Squad
"Thanks to you, your support has made it possible for us to give our babies and mother a safe and healthy place to live and grow. That's all we ever wanted! You have made an enormous impact, not only changing our lives but also changing the lives of other families in our community. I am grateful to God for using you to bless us. Thank you for making our dreams come true."
-The Pierani Family,
future Habitat Homeowners
FY 23 Board of Directors
Amanda Hill, Chair
Female Forward
Don Oliver, Vice Chair
Debbie Brooks
Prominent Title Company
Steven L. Chaney
Ohio National Financial Services
Michael Q. Dozier
Ethicon Endo-Surgery
Tonia H. Elrod
JR Foster
Robert Louis Group
Joanna Kemper
Diversity Crew
Angie Krausen
Messer Construction Co.
Robert F. Noschang
Western & Southern Financial
Mel Rodriguez
Bank of America
Jacob Samad
Robins, Kelly, Patterson & Tucker
Ennis Tait
New Beginnings Church of the Living God
Harry Watson
St. Elizabeth Healthcare